Island Garden City of Samal, May 18, 2015 – To celebrate the success
of the City Scholars who graduated this school year 2014-2015, the Local
Government Unit (LGU) of IGaCoS administered the Scholars Recognition
Day on May 11, 2015 held in Samal Cultural Gym.
There were thirty-six (36) City Scholars who graduated for the school year 2014-2015. Five of them got the highest honor.
The scholars who luckily attained the Cum Laude were Rhealie N.
Darunday and Cynthgrace L. Dinampo who both completed the course of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial
Management in University of Mindanao Penaplata, Meshelyn A. Ibut who
graduated in University of Immaculate Concepcion with a course of
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Gerald A. Lopez who completed the
course of Bachelor of Education in University of Southern Philippines.
A scholar who achieved the highest honor among them all was Yra S.
Garcia who graduated Magna Cum Laude in University of Immaculate
Concepcion with a course of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
City Mayor Aniano P. Antalan was very proud of his scholars for
making it till the end especially the 5 scholars who got the highest
Mayor Anatalan shared as well how hard college
life was for him way back then, but through perseverance and studying
hard, he was able to achieve success so as the scholars who were just
given recognition as fruit of their labor.
“Naningkamut ang mga gininkanan nga mapaeskwela ug mapahuman ang
ilang mga anak, sa tabang sa city nahimo kini. Malipayon ako sa resulta
kay ang mga anak sab naningkamut aron mahuman ug mabayaran ang hinaguan
sa ilang ginikanan ug tabang sa local nga panggamhanan”. (Their parents
worked hard to put their children to school and with the help of the
city it has become a reality, I am happy with the results because the
children are also striving to finish and repay the work of their parents
and the assistance of the city government) City Mayor Aniano P. Antalan
said during the recognition.
The thirty-one (31) scholars received a certificate of completion
while the 5 scholars with the highest honor received a plaque of
recognition, a cash of 5,000 pesos for Cum Laude and 7,000 pesos for
Magna Cum Laude which was given by the Local Government Unit (LGU).
The Local Government Unit (LGU) is taking its step to develop more the
city scholarship and attract more deserving students through the
increase of allowance of the scholars. Before, it was 5,000 pesos per
semester but now, it is P 10,000 per semester effective on June 2015.
(MLA Samal Info.)
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