Friday, June 22, 2012

Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips

DAVAO CITY, June 22 – Electricity can be very useful as it lights our homes and operates major appliances. However, if handled improperly, it can be a potentially dangerous force that can cause injury and death.

Hence, Davao Light and Power Company provides its customers safety ways on how to play safe around electricity even when you are outdoors to prevent accidents and fatalities:

-Don’t climb power poles or towers, or trees near overhead power lines. Remember, that these lines are bare and live, thus, should be considered dangerous;

-If a person or object comes in contact with a power line, don’t touch the person or the object. Call Davao Light at telephone no. 229.3572 and 911 immediately;

-If your vehicle comes in contact with a power line, stay inside the car, and warn others not to touch the car or the downed line. If you must leave your vehicle, jump clear to avoid being in contact with the car and the ground at the same time;

-Kite flyers should make sure all kites are flown in wide open areas without overhead electric wires. The same safety rules apply when flying balloons, or any other toy that takes to the air; and,

-Watch for overhead wires when doing outdoor work - especially if using a ladder, tree trimming equipment, pool skimmer, or any long tool that could connect with electric lines.

Outdoor electrical safety begins with common sense.  If you see downed wires or any related situation that may pose danger to you or to other people, stay away from it and report it immediately to Davao Light at 229-DLPC (3752).

Ignorance is not an excuse, hence, always take these things to the experts first and never try to fix or solve them by yourself. (DLPC)

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